Online application for Accommodation

Payer information
Contact details
(On this email address you will also receive a copy of your reservation)
Guest list
(If there are more persons, vrite only number of persons)
(Za starejše od 18 let in tujce)
Booking information
Please call selected residential centre at least three weeks prior to your arrival and check with residential centre leader about program and any special features. The kitchen in the residential centre operates only when there are at least 20 guests on location. In case of smaller number of guests we only offer accommodation. Children under 12 years of age have 10% discount. Services are charged according to the rates in effect at the time of using the service. In the event of a late cancellation charge of 15% of predicted service may apply. General terms and conditions are posted on
Potrjujem koriščenje navedene storitve. Strinjam se s splošnimi pogoji koriščenja storitve ter s plačilom odpovednih stroškov v primeru prepozne odjave. Potrjujem, da sem seznanjen z Izjavo o varstvu osebnih podatkov.
I allow CŠOD to use the data for its statistics, for sending promotional material and invitations.

* Required fields!

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