School Groups

School Groups

Outdoor School for School Groups


Outdoor school is the main activity of the Centre for School and Outdoor Education (Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti – CŠOD). The programme is a supplement to the school curriculum. It includes students of all classes of elementary and secondary schools.

What children in the past used to gain by the way, while playing on the meadow and in the forest now needs to be carefully planned and systematically brought closer to the children in the outdoor school.

CŠOD centres are spread all over Slovenia, far away from a city bustle which enables children to get to know various parts of Slovenia.

Schools cooperate with CŠOD because:

  • CŠOD cooperates with schools about choice, organization and carrying out the programme;
  • CŠOD teachers that take part in realization of the outdoor school don’t need to be paid extra;
  • CŠOD teachers know the parts where the activities take place well;
  • CŠOD teachers have all the knowledge needed to carry out special activities;
  • all CŠOD teachers are qualified to give first aid;
  • the centres are organized according to norms for pupils and youth to stay;
  • there is a lot of equipment (bycicles, boats, alpine and cross-country skis, bows, speleological equipment, climbing equipment, raincoats) that schools can use gratis.

Activities take place in the best classroom in the world – in the nature.

They are orientated into a healthy way of living.




Environment study

Environment study includes attaining teaching objectives with a direct experience in the environment where the nature is a source and a subject of study. In the outdoor school such teaching objectives can be attained that are easier to be attained outside than in a classroom.

Biology, chemistry and geography are main subjects in studying the environment; the same goes for society, history, maths and physics.

The main emphasis is on inter-subject comparability, development of observation skills, classification, comparison, argumentation and solving problems.

Environment study also includes discovery of the mysteries of nature, varieties of life, various cultural regions and parts of Slovenia, study of connection of all natural phenomena and understanding the dependence on nature.


Outdoor activities 

Many people still comprehend sports activities as the central part of the outdoor school. However they are mainly a part of the process that enables attaining the objectives. 

Outdoor activities mean developing basic motive abilities when children get in touch with activities they have never met before (for example rolling on the grass, climbing, snow and water activities).

Games are very important because they present activities to children in a pleasant and fun way. Making children enthusiastic for exercise in nature is important too. The same goes for adventures with elements of uncertainty, surprise, excitement, unforgettableness, enthusiasm about a nice view ..., and also unpleasant experience when children are wet because of the rain, dirty up to their knees, it is cold, hot, windy, everything is unknown, they walk around at night without additional lights in the woods ...

Assimilation and experiencing feelings make the gained knowledge last longer.


Personality and social development

Developing a relationship to oneself, others and nature is an important part of the outdoor school. We can reach that when we feel good because we have learned something new or surmounted physical or mental obsticles.

Children get to know themselves through various situations. They test their abilities, courage, develop self-conscience, self-respect, self-discipline; they accept responsibility and overcome a shock after the divorce of their parents.


Relationship to others is formed over group work and group decisions, adaption to a group and agreed rules. This can only be attained if they spend several days together.


Positive attitude to nature develops with a direct outdoor experience.


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